Self - Healing
Often we fail to recognize the inherent intelligence of our own bodies. Our bodies have the ability to heal themselves. Being in perfect optimal health is the only true natural state for our bodies. In this sense, anyone who recovers from any sort of illness can be regarded as an energy healer.
However, this is not to say that we cannot or should not provide assistance to others. Rather, we can, if we choose, to help and support others as they journey along their path of self-healing.
You might think that breathing is just a natural reflex and doesn’t fall under the realm of medicine. If so, you’ll be surprised to learn that breathing exercises can have a profound impact on your health. The same can be said for exercises that foster and develop your sense of body awareness. Breathing techniques and body awareness can focus and even amplify our bodies’ life force energy to promote optimal wellness.
What Happens in ENERGY HEALING?
During the process of quantum healing, an energy healer will also receive healing energy. In other words, quantum healing helps those seeking assistance as well as those providing it. When a practitioner or spiritual healer creates a high vibration of energy, they will also receive and benefit from the healing properties of this energy.
A more conventional approach to healing such as Western medicine often sees the practitioner feeling drained and exhausted as a result of assisting others. However, in the case of quantum healing the practitioners feel emotionally uplifted as a result of experiencing the benefits of high-frequency energy.
To connect to YOUR Spirit which is encoded with the creation of consciousness. You hold all you need inside yourself.
Know that there is no one and nothing to measure ourselves against. We are important because of our uniqueness. Natural Law - where we come from and are part of- does not judge anything or anyone ever.
You are not just your EGO!!! (But be nice to it, it is important)
Part of the ego is an artificial definition of "self" that is taught. It is not innate.
The ego stems from conditioning and programs formed during childhood. Often when the ego expresses itself it is always the wounded inner child which replaces the carefree, boundary-less being that we are all born with. Mainstream education, religious and secular, is the catalyst which has led to our mental dismpowerement.
Very often, Guilt is taught, but empathy is innate.
You are a fractal of the Creator - always connected to your God- Self.
There are multiple paths to enlightenment. We are all on a continuous evolutionary journey and all paths will lead to a higher consciousness in our evolution.
We come from wholeness and wholeness is where we will return.
Being good to yourself is being good to everyone... start with yourself first...
Forgive yourself of everything and live FREE... State it if you need to... (I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free)
You can state it out-loud or visualize It. Intention and energy work understands light language.. as well as emotion. So you can do a variety of things or just use the written language of “I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free”.
If you feel that you need purification or purging of your energy or physical fields, you have many options, There is frequency and vibrational healing... and the most important there is forgiveness and love. Most all of our illness is due to some sort of emotion that wants to be healed.
Honestly anything that you do and believe is fine. I often will just go outside and sit under a tree, that seems to do the same thing for me. It is all about personal choice and belief.
At times , I call upon my divine soul loving and true guides, soul family, and other benevolent energies.
I Thank my divine soul and God for always purifying my physical and "emotional/spiritual" bodies as well as every aspect of my soul.