The Honest answer is that we are all "Intuitive"..... some people just don't recall how to speak to their soul and hire others to relay the messages for them.
Most people do not realize that we can participate with our consciousness and energetic intelligence to experience the tangible support and presence of our guidance, mentors and Universal Intelligence. Some people from their veil of confusion have forgotten who they are and how to communicate with their inner spirit (often called the holy spirit). This is currently changing and many are waking up, including the male energies.
This process leads you to the true inner workings of your soul and what it might need to heal. You might encounter a few "shadows" or emotions along the way that you want to forgive, release and heal. . Most all have emotions that want to be healed. One "secret" is to simply forgive yourself and others. Being Kind, Accepting, Understanding, and Forgiving will help with the emotional aspect of awaking.
Taking care of your body and practicing self-care is also very wise. There are many awesome sources to choose from that will help you find what is right for you. Or simply follow your intuition. There is no right or wrong answer in regards to what is best for you.
Light is the fundamental information that contains the universal codes of creation.
Our Earth has a rhythm, or vibration that is the foundation structure for everything including art, music and architecture. Its images, codes, and shapes are found in our DNA, our Light body.
The language of light is produced by vibration. Light Language is a powerful sacred gift that gives purposeful expression of love from our soul and the universes.
Light language allows us to pick up information from other realms and galactic nations. Light language is universal, all beings, animals, and plants can access this mode of communication.
It is a beneficial tool that allows us to interact with our guidance team, nature, animals, and one another on a deep soul level. We all have the ability to connect to that Spirit through our Soul.
We truly are multidimensional beings. We have the ability to connect to a consciousness that is higher; one of empathy, compassion, caring, gentleness, benevolence and greater wisdom.
It's a consciousness where you "remember" how and what works.
Accessing your own records and the collective "remembrance" from your soul.
Appreciation of the beauty of life and humanism is the core. Imagine the limitless possibilities of Beings that can and do "write" their own destiny and reality.
Trust me, I see that happen more than I would like.
Most will need some guidance and support as they awaken to their soul and the universal conscience. there is always healing that must take place. this is an individual process. Only you and your soul know what must be healed but the universe will give you clues every step of the way!!
If you need a translator at first to let you know what your soul is telling you, find a loving and kind "Reader" that will assist you along the path.
I hope that I can be that person for you, if that is what you feel your heart and soul desire.